A number of traders used the hall regularly and there are also various markets and community events held in the hall.
Stuarts Fresh Fish
Every Friday 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Wide range of fresh fish and seafood. Special orders available.

Wildfire Pizza
2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month 5:30pm – 8:00pm
Freshly made wood fired pizza’s with a monthly special. Pre orders are advised.
Menus at https://wildfirepizzaco.co.uk/contact-wildfire-pizza-company/
Phone: 07507 680729

Born To Bake You Happy
Rebecca is a local baker launching her business using the village hall making
brownies, blondies, millionaire shortbread, cookies, cookie pies, cupcakes and celebration cakes available for sale. She can also do dessert tables for events
and parties.
To get in touch or order:
Facebook – born to bake you happy
Instagram @borntobakeyouhappy24
Email borntobakeyouhappy@outlook.com
Tel 07990 072 458